How to Start Playing Video Games: Gaming Guide For Beginners

In order to properly greet the gaming world, setting your goals and joining a team are just a couple of steps you should follow! 🎮


Many worldwide beginners are wondering how to start playing video games. If you’re here, then you’re also looking for this. Check this entire article and discover all you have to know about how to start gaming.

There are millions of desktop and console gamers all over the world. If you want to become a top gamer, it is never too late. Any year is a great year to sharpen your gaming skills and outdo your opponents.

If you’re new to the world of video games on PC then it can seem like a very daunting place to start out.

CD-ROMS are no longer, replaced by game codes and digital downloads, and there are now several different digital storefronts to download them from.

But all of this change has also opened up gaming to more people than ever before. The past decade has seen huge improvements to accessibility and the sheer range of experiences on offer, ensuring that there’s a game for you, no matter what your budget or skill level is.

There’s really no better time to get into playing video games.

How to start gaming for beginners?

If you’re interested in playing video games but don’t know where to start, here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Decide on a platform

    Video games can be played on a variety of platforms, including consoles, computers, and mobile devices. Consider which platform you have access to and which games you’re interested in playing.

  2. Choose a game

    There are countless video games available, so it can be overwhelming to choose one to start with. Consider your interests and what type of game you’d like to play, such as action, adventure, racing, or simulation.

  3. Start with an easy game

    If you’re new to video games, it’s a good idea to start with an easy game to help you get the hang of the controls and mechanics. Look for games that have a tutorial mode or a beginner difficulty level.

  4. Play with friends

    Playing video games with friends can be a fun way to get started, as they can help you learn the game and offer advice. You can also play multiplayer games online with people from around the world.

  5. Practice regularly

    Like any skill, playing video games takes practice. Set aside some time each week to play and try to stick to a regular schedule. This will help you improve your skills and become more comfortable with the game.

  6. Watch tutorials

    If you’re struggling with a game, there are many tutorials available online that can help you learn the mechanics and strategies. Look for tutorials on YouTube or other gaming websites.

  7. Join a gaming community

    There are many online gaming communities where you can connect with other players, share tips and strategies, and get advice on games. Look for forums or social media groups dedicated to the games you’re interested in playing.

Furthermore, we share with you six proven ways to become an excellent gamer. Let’s jump straight to the point.

What do you need to start gaming for beginners?

Gaming can be done so easily these days and requires little space if that’s an issue. What you will need is a PC, a console, a tablet, or even a phone!

There are lots of gaming Apps out there that are fantastic! And of course, you will also need games!

Whatever platform you choose to start gaming on, you can purchase them from pretty much anywhere. We’d recommend Game for any console, and we’d also say that Console is the best way to experience games if you’re starting out and want to play a good variety.

If you’re going to play using a console you will also need a TV. Any TV will work but for the best experience, I would recommend a flat screen with full high definition.

In case you want to enjoy your favorite masterpieces at their greatest potential, we strongly recommend going for a gaming computer.

You’ll need a monitor that has a full HD display as well as a decent mouse and keyboard and for some games, you might want to buy a controller.

You can find ones that are specially made to be played with on the PC for games that are easier to play using one rather than a mouse and keyboard.

Set your goals

There is no doubt that setting your goals should be the first step you take to become the best in anything you do. Most professional gamers will agree with this; when you set your SMART goals and work on them, nothing can stop you on the way.

Meaning, as a beginner in gaming, you should look at your stats and compare them with others in the industry. This can help you realize where you stand now and take the right measures to push yourself up.

Take a look at the leaderboard and know where you rank. If you are not listed amongst the top 2%, then it’s true that you have a lot to work on yourself.

Set some simple and measurable goals that you can achieve slowly as you boost your performance. For instance, if your current creep-scoring stands at 60 CS, you can aim at 80 or 90 in the next games you play.

Focus is the key

If you focus more on a game and show interest in it, you will eventually become a pro. Of course, it takes some time to beat the pros, but once you keep your eyes on the ball, you cannot miss it.

If you get a role in a video game, you should focus more on it rather than trying to be smart on everything else.  

Put your mind on a specific role, like becoming the best mid-player. That is how it works. You have to focus more on what you want to grow for you to get there faster.

Join a team

Before you become a pro gamer, you must be a team player. Do you get the idea? When you join a team, you learn new skills and get to understand some hidden hacks that can help you improve your game knowledge in no time. 

When playing in a team, you won’t be competing against each other, and this gives you a perfect opportunity to learn more and master the different roles in the game.

You can ask your teammates questions about the game and, most importantly, become a team player.

Choose the right game settings

You may be flopping on a game because you haven’t chosen the right settings to get the most scores. Don’t get it wrong. You should optimize your game settings so that you don’t have to re-learn anything that you have initially covered. 

Most pro gamers will advise you to set the lowest sensitivity level if you participate in a game that requires sharp aiming.

With low sensitivity, you can easily make small adjustments when playing. However, where the game involves a lot of surprises and traversal, changing to a higher sensitivity can help you outdo your opponents faster. 

Have the right gaming gear

Sure, if you want to enjoy gaming and become a pro in it, you must invest in the right gear. When choosing your gear, the essential factor to consider is equipment latency. 

Latency is how responsive the equipment is, or simply put, the delay between when the actions in the game occur and when you get to see or hear them.

Your gears should have the lowest latency to boost your game experience. With a higher latency, your opponents can beat you before you even notice their movements. 

In most cases, latency may result in your equipment if there is a poor internet connection or your monitor lags a lot.

You can get a wired keyboard and headphones to reduce the latency and enjoy your games. Avoid using a flashy mouse with higher DPI and go for those with more keys to boost your performance. 

With excellent gaming gear at your disposal, you can flatten your learning curve—however, it’s your effort and dedication to become the best gamer that matters.

Maintain your stamina

Becoming a pro gamer doesn’t mean you forget about your fitness and overall health. Most studies have linked gaming to lifestyle diseases such as obesity, arthritis, and cardiovascular diseases.

When sitting in front of your screen for hours gaming, you probably ignore physical exercise, which greatly affects your health. 

Since physical health is good for your mental function, you have to include less strenuous exercise like walking in your daily routine. It can help you improve your cognitive health, which is necessary to become a great gamer.

To become the best in gaming, you have to keep your head up and follow the six hacks we have shared here.

Learn to enjoy your games, watch some professional streams, focus on specific roles, and don’t forget to practice a lot. This is the only way you become perfect at gaming. 

The best advice now you’re all set up is just to have fun with it. Play games at your own pace, and don’t force games that you’re not enjoying (even if everyone says how wonderful they are).

Plus, we strongly recommend taking care of your device. Thus, ensuring to always keep your drivers up to date is an essential step in your gaming journey.

PC HelpSoft is a tool that you can go for without any hesitation as it will automatically update any of your components and ensure that your computer is running at its best performance.

Outdated drivers can lead to various issues such as poor graphics quality, low FPS, crashes, or even system freezes.

PC HelpSoft scans your computer and identifies outdated or missing drivers, then downloads and installs the latest versions automatically.

⇒ Get PC HelpSoft

Which gaming console is best for beginners?

If you’re looking for the best gaming consoles for beginners, we have some suggestions you can take into account.

First, we have to consider that the choice depends on personal preferences and needs. Some players might be interested in the console’s capabilities, others might be intrigued by its design.

However, according to worldwide users, some of the most popular consoles (especially for beginners) are the Nintendo Switch and the PlayStation 4 (PS4).

  • Nintendo Switch – This is a multipurpose console that can be used both portable and docked. As a result, you may use it for both on-the-go and at-home gaming. It also has a plethora of family-friendly games and may appeal to players of all ages.
  • PlayStation 4 – This console also includes huge series of games. If you’re a beginner in using this type of device, do not panic! This one is perfect for you, as it has a friendly design and it is extremely easy to use. Plus, in case you’re a movies fan, do not forget that PS4 comes with support for apps like Netflix and Hulu.

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Now, you have a complete gaming guide for beginners. We hope that all of this info helped you discover how to start playing video games effortlessly.

For any additional questions, do not hesitate to leave a comment in the section below.

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