Coral Island Crashing: How I Fixed It Quickly

Don't worry if you run into crashing issues while playing Coral Island. With a few tweaks and quick fixes, you can go back to smooth gameplay.


I never expected to have so much fun playing a farming sim, and I played this game for a few hours a day since it was released. Unfortunately, I think I did something while updating my operating system, and Coral Island started crashing on launch or during gameplay. It was an awful experience, and I hope I won’t run into it again in the future. Fortunately, I am a veteran at solving crashing issues in games and various other game-related problems, so I started looking for working solutions and fixes right away. To my surprise, it didn’t take long to fix the root of the crash this time. So, by following my lead, you can fix them too in no time.

🧐 Interesting Fact

Game crashes in Coral Island can unexpectedly help diagnose your PC’s health. Often, these crashes aren’t just about the game itself but might point out underlying issues like poor cooling, outdated drivers, or lack of resources. So, fixing crashes can improve your whole computer’s performance, making gaming a unique tool for uncovering and solving hidden PC problems.

Why is Coral Island Crashing?

Coral Island could be crashing due to various reasons, such as compatibility issues, hardware limitations, or software conflicts. Identifying the root cause is crucial to applying the right fix to enhance your gaming experience. Keep in mind that the reason might vary depending on multiple factors. But if you are curious, I will leave below some of the most commonly encountered causes.

  1. Insufficient RAM or VRAM: If your PC doesn’t have enough RAM or the graphics card is low on VRAM, it can struggle to handle the game’s processes and graphics, leading to crashes, especially in graphically intense scenarios.
  2. Outdated or Corrupted Graphics Drivers: Drivers that are either not up to date or have become corrupted can cause compatibility issues with the game, often resulting in crashes due to poor communication between the game and your hardware.
  3. Overheating of CPU/GPU: If your CPU or GPU overheats, it will throttle its performance to cool down, which can lead to instability and crashes during gameplay, especially during resource-intensive tasks.
  4. Background Applications: Running too many applications in the background can consume system resources needed for the game, leading to crashes due to resource shortages.
  5. Game File Corruption: Corrupted game files, whether due to improper downloads or updates, can cause crashes. These files might not load correctly, leading to instability in the game.
  6. Incompatible System Settings: Certain system settings, like high resolution or advanced graphic settings beyond your system’s capability, can strain the hardware and lead to crashes.
  7. Software Conflicts: Other software, particularly security software or system utilities running in the background, can conflict with game files or processes, leading to crashes.

How to fix Coral Island Crashing issues?

To fix Coral Island crashing issues, check if your device meets the system requirements of the game. Then, proceed by updating your drivers and OS. Afterwards, make sure to try all of the solutions below, as I carefully picked just the most efficient ones. Moreover, you might need a combination of solutions rather than just one, and I advise you to follow the steps if it is your first time fixing crash-related problems.

  1. Update Graphics Drivers
  2. Update Your Windows
  3. Clear Temporary Files
  4. Run the Game in Compatibility Mode
  5. Run System File Checker (SFC) Scan
  6. Verify Game Files
  7. Disable Fullscreen Optimizations
  8. Tweak Nvidia or AMD Control Panel Settings
  9. Run the Game as Administrator
  10. Disable Third-Party Overlays
  11. Adjust Virtual Memory
  12. Reduce CPU Process Priority
  13. Close Unnecessary Background Applications

1. Update Graphics Drivers

I ensure my graphics drivers are updated, as it often fixes crashing issues in Coral Island. Updated drivers mean better communication between the game and my hardware, leading to smoother performance

  1. Open Device Manager: Right-click the Start button and select Device Manager.
  2. Find Graphics Card: Click on Display adapters to see your graphics card.
  3. Update Driver: Right-click on the graphics card and select Update driver. Choose Search automatically for updated driver software.
  4. Restart Your Computer: After the update, restart your PC to apply changes.
Coral Island Driver Update

2. Update Your Windows

Regularly updating Windows is crucial for me. These updates often come with system optimizations and new features that can improve game performance and resolve crashing issues in Coral Island.

  1. Open Settings: Click the Start menu and choose Settings.
  2. Go to Updates: Click on Update & Security.
  3. Check for Updates: Click the Check for updates button.
  4. Install Updates: If updates are available, install them and restart your PC.
Coral Island Windows Update

3. Clear Temporary Files

I regularly clear out temporary files, as they can take up valuable space and slow down my PC, affecting game stability. Keeping my system clean helps fix the game and avoid crashing issues.

  1. Open Run: Press Win + R, type %temp%, and hit Enter.
  2. Select All Files: In the folder, press Ctrl + A to select all files.
  3. Delete Files: Right-click and choose Delete. Skip files that can’t be deleted.
  4. Empty Recycle Bin: To completely remove he files, empty your Recycle Bin.
Coral Island Temporary Files

4. Run the Game in Compatibility Mode

Sometimes, I run the game in compatibility mode for an earlier version of Windows. This can fix issues related to game compatibility with the operating system, resulting in smoother gameplay and less crashes.

  1. Right-click Game Icon: Find Coral Island on your desktop and right-click on it.
  2. Properties: Choose Properties from the menu.
  3. Compatibility Tab: Click on Compatibility at the top.
  4. Select Compatibility Mode: Check the box for ‘Run this program in compatibility mode for’ and choose an older Windows version.
  5. Apply and OK: Click Apply, then OK.

5. Run System File Checker (SFC) Scan

Running an SFC scan helps me ensure all Windows files are intact and functioning correctly. Fixing any corrupted files can improve system stability, which in turn lowers the chances of running into Coral Island crashes.

  1. Command Prompt: Type cmd in the search bar next to the Start menu.
  2. Run as Administrator: Right-click on Command Prompt and choose Run as administrator.
  3. Type the Command: In the window that opens, type sfc /scannow and press Enter.
  4. Wait and Restart: Wait for it to finish scanning and fixing files, then restart your computer.
Coral Island SFC scannow

6. Verify Game Files

I use the game client to verify the integrity of game files. This ensures all files are in place and not corrupted, which is key to avoiding game crashes and performance issues.

  1. Open Game Platform: Click on the game platform icon (like Steam) on your desktop.
  2. Find Coral Island: In your game list, right-click on Coral Island.
  3. Properties and Verify: Choose Properties, then Local Files, and click Verify integrity of game files.
Coral Island Verify Game Files

7. Disable Fullscreen Optimizations

I disable fullscreen optimizations for the game. This can help with compatibility issues and often results in a more stable game and smoother gaming experience.

  1. Right-click on Game: On your desktop, right-click the Coral Island icon.
  2. Properties: Click on Properties at the bottom of the menu.
  3. Compatibility Tab: Click the Compatibility tab at the top.
  4. Check a Box: Find and check the box next to Disable fullscreen optimizations.
  5. Save: Click Apply, then OK.

8. Tweak Nvidia or AMD Control Panel Settings

Adjusting settings in my Nvidia or AMD control panel can greatly improve game performance. I optimize for performance to help fix the crashing issues in Coral Island.

  1. Open Control Panel: Right-click on an empty area of your desktop and choose NVIDIA Control Panel or AMD Radeon Settings.
  2. 3D Settings: Click on Manage 3D settings or similar.
  3. Change Settings: Look for settings like Texture filtering and set them to performance modes.
  4. Save: Click Apply or Save at the bottom.

9. Run the Game as Administrator

I run the game as an administrator to give it all the necessary permissions, which can prevent crashes and enhance performance, especially if the game needs access to protected system files.

  1. Right-click on Coral Island: On your desktop, right-click the game’s icon.
  2. Choose ‘Run as Administrator’: Click Run as Administrator from the menu.

10. Disable Third-Party Overlays

I turn off overlays from programs like Discord or Steam as they can consume resources and interfere with game performance, causing crashes.

  1. Open Overlay Software: Open any overlay software like Discord.
  2. Settings: Click on the settings or gear icon.
  3. Turn Off Overlay: Find the overlay settings and switch them off.

11. Adjust Virtual Memory

I adjust my system’s virtual memory settings when I notice performance issues. Increasing virtual memory can provide additional resource buffer for the game, improving stability.

  1. System Properties: Right-click This PC on your desktop, choose Properties, then Advanced system settings.
  2. Performance: Under the Performance section, click Settings, then go to the Advanced tab.
  3. Change Virtual Memory: Click ‘Change’ under Virtual Memory, uncheck Automatically manage paging file size, set custom sizes as suggested, and click Set, then OK.
Coral Island Virtual Memory Settings

12. Reduce CPU Process Priority

Lowering the CPU priority of other processes through Task Manager helps me allocate more resources to the game, which can fix the crashing issues.

  1. Open Task Manager: Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager.
  2. Find Game Process: Click on the Details tab, find and right-click the game process.
  3. Change Priority: Hover over Set priority and choose a lower setting like Below Normal or Low.
  4. Confirm Changes: If a warning appears, confirm that you want to change the priority.

13. Close Unnecessary Background Applications

I make a point of closing unnecessary background applications before gaming. This frees up system resources like RAM and CPU, reducing the chances of Coral Island crashing.

  1. Open Task Manager: Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager.
  2. Review Running Applications: Look through the list of applications and processes running in the ‘Processes’ tab.
  3. Identify Non-Essential Apps: Find applications that are not needed for running your PC or Coral Island.
  4. Close Apps: Click on each non-essential application and then click End Task at the bottom right of the window.
  5. Monitor Performance: After closing unnecessary apps, check if Coral Island’s performance improves.

Tips and Tricks to avoid crashing issues in Coral Island

  1. Limit Frame Rate: In the game settings, I set a frame rate limit. By capping the FPS to a level that suits my system’s capabilities, like 60 or 30 FPS, I’ve noticed a reduction in crashes. This prevents my GPU and CPU from overexertion, leading to a more stable gameplay experience.
  2. Reduce Draw Distance: I’ve found that decreasing the draw distance in Coral Island helps in reducing crashes. A lower draw distance means the game renders fewer objects at a time, which can significantly lighten the load on my graphics card and CPU.
  3. Turn Off Advanced Effects: Some advanced graphical effects like bloom, lens flare, or motion blur can be turned off to improve game stability. These features, while visually appealing, can be resource-intensive and turning them off has often helped me avoid crashes.

Final Thoughts

Resolving crashing issues on Coral Island can significantly enhance your gaming experience. By implementing these troubleshooting steps, you can enjoy uninterrupted gameplay in the beautiful world of this game. Remember, sometimes it takes a combination of different solutions to effectively resolve game crashes. Also, if you find any other ways to deal with the crashing issues, please submit them in the comments. I will test them out shortly.

Additional resource: If you are experiencing performance-related issues, such as low fps in Coral Island, know that I fixed it before, and you can find everything that you need to know in the featured article.

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