Dead by Daylight Alien Low FPS: How to Boost Performance

Playing horror games with a low FPS isn't nearly enjoyable as when the performance is smooth. Continue reading to enhance your extraterrestrial experience! 👽


Many gamers claim they cannot enjoy the game due to Dead by Daylight Alien low FPS. This issue occurs for many reasons, so we put together a list of the most common ones and paired them with suitable solutions that you can immediately apply on your PC to enjoy this horror game.

If the game doesn’t even launch for you, learn how to force-launch Dead by Daylight Alien.

Why do I have low FPS in Dead by Daylight Alien?
You have Dead By Daylight Alien low FPS due to poor system requirements, resource-consuming background apps, high system temperatures, an outdated GPU driver, problematic Xbox Game Bar settings, low virtual memory, disabled Game Mode, unnecessary startup services, or faulty FPS boosters.

How to fix Dead by Daylight Alien low FPS?

Get started by applying these checks and fixes:

Here is the complete list of methods that will help you boost FPS in Dead by Daylight Alien.

  1. Update the GPU driver
  2. Tweak Xbox Game Bar settings
  3. Increase Windows virtual memory

1. Update the GPU driver

Time needed: 5 minutes

Your graphics card relies on the GPU driver to control and optimize it for gaming. However, graphics card manufacturers often upgrade this software, and it comes in the form of GPU driver updates, which you must install on your PC manually if you don’t use a driver updater tool.

  1. Click on the Windows icon, type Device Manager, and open it.

    windows icon search bar device manager result

  2. Double-click on the Display Adapters section.

    device manager double click display adapters

  3. Right-click on your GPU and select the Update driver option.

    device manager graphics card gpu update driver option

  4. Select the Search automatically for drivers option.

  5. Install the GPU driver update.

  6. Restart your PC.

Did you know that there are tools that can handle this for you? PC HelpSoft is one of the best, taking complete driver management and making life easier for gamers worldwide.

Get PC HelpSoft

2. Tweak Xbox Game Bar settings

Xbox Game Bar has a few interesting and valuable features. However, some gamers don’t take advantage of them, which doesn’t prevent these features from running in the background, consuming valuable resources. We advise you to disable Xbox Friends features and background recording.

  1. Click on the Windows icon and select Settings (gear icon).
  2. From the Settings window, choose Gaming.
  3. Disable Xbox Game Bar.
    Disable Xbox Game Bar
  4. Navigate to the Captures tab and disable Background recording.
    Disable Xbox Capture

3. Increase Windows virtual memory

When your RAM doesn’t have where to store more data, it transfers it to so-called virtual memory, a portion of your disk space dedicated to help in these moments. We advise you manually set the value of Windows virtual memory to double that of your RAM.

  1. Use the Windows Key + shortcut to open the Run dialog, type control, and hit OK.
    run dialog control panel
  2. Click on the dropdown next to View by and select Large icons.
    contorl panel view by large icons
  3. Click on the search, type Performance, and click on Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.
    control panel adjust appearance and performance
  4. Navigate to the Advanced tab and hit the Change button under the Virtual Memory section.
    performance options advanced change
  5. Disable Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.
    automatically manage paging file size disable
  6. Select the Custom size button, enter values 2x of your RAM in MB, and hit the Set button.
    virtual memory custom size set
  7. Click OK and restart your PC.

Extra steps

Some gamers might still be struggling with Dead By Daylight Alien low FPS, so here are some additional steps to take:

  • 🎮 Enable Game Mode: Click on the Windows icon, type Game Mode, and open these System Settings. Enable this option to get your PC optimized for gaming.
  • 💿 Perform a Clean Boot: Ensure no unnecessary startup services boot with your OS by enabling Clean Boot settings.
  • 🧹 Perform a Disk Cleanup: Click on the Windows icon, type Disk Cleanup, and run it.
  • ❌ Disable FPS boosters: Most of these software are counterproductive and decrease your FPS, so we advise you to disable them.

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You can resolve your problems related to the Dead by Daylight Alien low FPS by updating the GPU driver, tweaking Xbox Game Bar settings, and increasing Windows virtual memory. Get started by checking the system requirements, closing background apps, and ensuring your PC is ventilated.

Don’t forget to enable Game Mode and Clean Boot for optimal gaming performance. You can also perform a Disk Cleanup. Never install FPS boosters; uninstall them if you have them. These were the most effective ways to boost FPS in Dead by Daylight Alien, good luck with enhancing performance!

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