Fortnite Failed to Download Supervised Settings: 4 Fixes

The failed to download supervised settings issue in Fortnite can be annoying, but we can help fix it below ⤵


The Fortnite Failed to Download Supervised Settings has left many players confused, as no one knows what it means or what causes it. Luckily for you, we’ve done our research and created this troubleshooting guide to help fix the issue so that you can get back to gaming.

What causes the failed to download supervised settings problem in Fortnite?

The Fortnite Failed to Download Supervised Settings problem is caused by network and connectivity issues. To make sure of this, we checked online forums and tested the issue on our PCs. So, if your internet connection is slow, sluggish, or unstable, it’s likely to trigger connectivity problems that cause the issue.

On the other hand, there may be an internal error in your PC or console, triggering bugs and glitches that cause the problem. Fortunately, the problem is pretty simple to fix.

How do I fix Fortnite failed to download supervised settings?

To fix the Fortnite failed to download supervised settings problem, do these quick things before jumping into our troubleshooting guide:

If you encounter the Fortnite failed to download supervised settings issue, try the following fixes:

  1. Restart your console
  2. Disconnect your console from the internet
  3. Reset your internet connection
  4. Turn off your router or modem

1. Restart your console

Your console may have a bug or glitch triggering the failed to download supervised settings problem. In this case, restarting your console may help remove the temporary glitch while refreshing the system. Here’s how to do this for both Xbox and PlayStation:

  1. Turn off your console by pressing down on the power button.
Xbox pair button
  1. Unplug your console from the wall socket.
  1. Wait a few minutes before plugging back your device, preferably 5 to 10.
  2. Turn your console back in.
  3. Launch Fortnite to see if you encounter the issue.

2. Disconnect your console from the internet

Time needed: 2 minutes

Many users have reported fixing the Fortnite failed to download supervised settings problem by disconnecting their console from their internet connection. Here’s how to do this on Xbox:

  1. Open menu

    Press the Xbox button to open the main menu.

  2. Profile and system

    Click the Profile & System tab and navigate to Settings.

  3. Open Network settings

    Click General, then click Network Settings from the context menu.

  4. Network screen options

    You’ll see a list of Network screen options. Scroll down and select the Disconnect wireless or Go offline options. This will disconnect your console from your internet connection.

  5. Reconnect

    Reconnect your console to your internet connection by enabling either of the two options.

  6. Launch the game

    Relaunch Fortnite to see if the issue is solved.

3. Reset your internet connection

If you’re playing Fortnite on PC and there’s a problem with your internet connection, you may want to reset your network. Resetting your network returns your components to their original settings to ensure a stable and fast connection. Here’s how to do this:

  1. Type Network reset in the Windows search bar and click Open.
Phasmophobia network reset 1
  1. A pop-up will appear. Click Reset now.
Network reset option
  1. If prompted, click Yes to confirm.
Network Reset Confirm Action
  1. After the process is complete, your PC will restart.
  2. Launch Fortnite to see if the issue is solved

4. Turn off your router or modem

Alternatively, to fix the Failed to Download Supervised Settings error, you can power cycle your router or modem by turning it off. Additionally, this will refresh the system and eliminate temporary bugs and glitches. Here’s how to do this:

  1. Turn off your router or modem by pressing the power button.
  2. Unplug it from the wall socket.
  3. Wait for a few minutes before plugging it back in.
  4. Turn on your router or modem.

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The Fortnite failed to download supervised settings is an annoying problem that gets in the way of gameplay. The good news is you can fix it by restarting your console and disconnecting your console from the internet. Additionally, turn off your router and modem, and if you’re playing the game on a PC, reset your internet connection. Let us know if any of these fixes work for you.

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