Valorant Rank Distribution: 2023 Updated Ranking Landscape

Read this guide completely and discover all the recent data and stats on Valorant rank distribution for 2023!🦾


Players around the world are wondering what is the Valorant rank distribution for 2023, as they seek to navigate the dynamic landscape of competitive play.

As the year unfolds, the distribution of ranks within Valorant provides a fascinating window into the evolving skill levels and dedication of players. The ranks you achieve aren’t just markers of progress; they are reflections of your commitment to mastering the game’s mechanics and strategies.

Through comprehensive analysis, we’ll explore the highs and lows of each rank, identify trends, and offer expert insights into what these distributions mean for players like you.

What is the normal distribution of Valorant ranks?

  1. Iron
  2. Bronze
  3. Silver
  4. Gold
  5. Platinum
  6. Diamond
  7. Ascendant
  8. Immortal
  9. Radiant

1. Iron

1.1. Iron 1

Within Valorant’s Competitive mode, Iron 1 stands as the lowest achievable rank. This essentially translates to a less proficient level.

It primarily comprises individuals who are new to FPS games and have faced defeats in all their placement matches.

1.2. Iron 2

Iron 2 occupies the second-lowest position within the ranking hierarchy. While this may not reflect a commendable standing, it does offer substantial space for enhancement.

1.3. Iron 3

This is the top Iron rank and it seems like many players find themselves trapped in it because they lack strong foundational skills.

2. Bronze

2.1. Bronze 1

Bronze signifies the stage where you must begin grasping the fundamental aspects of Valorant. Within this category, Bronze 1 stands as the lowest tier.

2.2. Bronze 2

Bronze 2 represents a step forward from Bronze 1, indicating a modest improvement in gameplay and understanding of the game’s mechanics.

Players in this tier generally exhibit a better grasp of the fundamental aspects of Valorant, including map awareness, agent abilities, and team coordination.

2.3. Bronze 3

Bronze 3 marks a gradual progression from the previous tiers and suggests that players are continuing to enhance their skills and understanding of the game.

At this level, players are expected to have a better grasp of the core mechanics, map layouts, agent abilities, and teamwork.

3. Silver

3.1. Silver 1

Silver 1 marks the beginning of the Silver ranks, where players are expected to showcase improved aim, positioning, and teamwork compared to the Bronze tiers.

3.2. Silver 2

As players move to Silver 2, they continue to hone their abilities, aiming for better crosshair placement, map awareness, and decision-making.

3.3. Silver 3

By the time players reach Silver 3, they generally exhibit a more solid grasp of agent roles, strategic coordination, and effective use of abilities.

4. Gold

4.1 Gold 1

Gold 1 is the entry point to the Gold ranks, where players begin to showcase a higher level of mechanical skill and tactical awareness.

4.2 Gold 2

As they progress to Gold 2, players are expected to have a better grasp of map control, agent synergy, and adapt their strategies based on the match situation.

4.3. Gold 3

Gold 3 is the highest rank within the Gold tier, and players at this level typically excel in positioning, utilizing agent abilities to their advantage, and making informed decisions under pressure

5. Platinum

5.1. Platinum 1

Platinum 1 is the entry level for the Platinum ranks, where players often demonstrate a higher level of game sense and the ability to adapt their strategies based on opponents’ actions.

5.2. Platinum 2

Moving up to Platinum 2, players typically possess a solid grasp of map control, effective agent utilization, and advanced positioning.

5.3. Platinum 3

Platinum 3, the highest rank within the Platinum tier, showcases players who excel in coordinating with teammates, executing complex strategies, and consistently delivering strong performances.

6. Diamond

6.1. Diamond 1

Diamond 1 is the starting point for the Diamond ranks, and players at this level are known for their consistent accuracy, strategic decision-making, and strong communication skills. They often exhibit a solid understanding of agent abilities, map control, and advanced positioning.

6.2. Diamond 2

As players progress to Diamond 2, they refine their game sense and become even more adept at adapting to changing circumstances within matches.

6.3. Diamond 3

Moving into Diamond 3, players demonstrate a high level of expertise in coordinating with teammates, executing complex strategies, and anticipating opponents’ movements.

The gameplay within the Diamond ranks becomes increasingly tactical, with players often making intelligent decisions on the fly and prioritizing team success over individual achievements.

7. Ascendant

7.1. Ascendant 1

Ascendant 1 marks the beginning of this elite tier, and players at this level are known for their advanced mechanics, consistent precision in aiming, and the ability to contribute significantly to their team’s success.

These players often excel in understanding map dynamics, utilizing agent abilities creatively, and making split-second decisions to outsmart opponents.

7.2. Ascendant 2

Progressing to Ascendant 2 requires players to further refine their teamwork and communication. They exhibit a strong grasp of team strategies, exhibit adaptability in response to different opponents and scenarios, and consistently contribute to securing round victories.

Players at this level often showcase a deep understanding of utility usage and map control, making them formidable opponents in any match.

7.3. Ascendant 3

Reaching Ascendant 3 indicates an even higher level of mastery. Players in this rank are known for their exceptional coordination with teammates, exceptional positioning, and expert game sense.

Their ability to anticipate enemy movements and respond effectively sets them apart as some of the most skilled players in Valorant. Ascendant 3 players often exhibit a strategic mindset, making crucial shot calls and leading their teams to victory through well-executed plans.

8. Immortal

8.1. Immortal 1

Starting with Immortal 1, players at this level exhibit exceptional aim, map awareness, and understanding of agent abilities.

Immortal 1 players are known for their ability to adapt to various situations and capitalize on opponents’ mistakes, making them a formidable force in matches.

8.2. Immortal 2

Advancing to Immortal 2 signifies an even higher level of mastery. Immortal 2 players often possess a deep understanding of the game’s meta and can make split-second decisions that significantly influence the outcome of rounds. They excel in reading opponents’ strategies and countering them effectively.

8.3. Immortal 3

Immortal 3 is reserved for players who have honed their skills to an exceptional degree. These rank players are often leaders within their teams, making crucial calls and coordinating strategies that lead to victory. Their game sense and mechanics make them formidable opponents, and they consistently demonstrate their mastery of Valorant’s intricate mechanics.

9. Radiant

The Radiant rank stands as the pinnacle of Valorant achievement. Radiant players are the best of the best, representing the top echelon of skill and expertise. These players have an unparalleled understanding of the game’s mechanics, agent synergies, and map intricacies.

Radiant players are trendsetters and innovators, often pioneering new strategies that influence the meta. Competing against a Radiant player is a true test of skill, as they possess an unmatched level of proficiency that can make matches unforgettable.

What is the overall Valorant rank distribution in 2023?

1. February 2023

Source: Esportstales
  • The highest representation was in the Silver rank, making up 25% of the player base.
  • In contrast, the Radiant rank had the lowest presence, accounting for just 0.03%.

2. March 2023

Source: Esportstales
  • Silver continued to dominate with a distribution of 23.5%.
  • Radiant remained at the bottom with 0.01% distribution.

3. April 2023

Source: Esportstales
  • Silver reached its peak at 23%.
  • Radiant still retained its scarcity at 0.03%.

4. May 2023

Source: Esportstales
  • Silver claimed its highest position, representing 22.1%.
  • Radiant remained the least represented at 0.04%.

5. June 2023

Source: Esportstales
  • Silver maintained its prominence, accounting for 22%.
  • Radiant stayed consistent at 0.03%, maintaining its status as the rarest rank.

6. July 2023

Source: Esportstales
  • Silver enjoyed the highest prevalence, making up 25%.
  • Radiant had the lowest presence among the ranks, totaling 0.03%.

7. August 2023

Source: Esportstales
  • Silver took the lead again, comprising 24.2%.
  • Radiant retained its position as the least common rank at 0.03%.

The trend that stands out is the consistent minimum distribution in Radiant and Immortal across all months. Radiant and Immortal are the highest rank achievable in Valorant and require exceptional skill, which explains its low representation.

On the other hand, the Silver and Gold ranks consistently exhibit the maximum distribution, highlighting that it’s a commonly populated tier. This could be due to a significant number of players falling within this skill range.

The variations in other ranks show that players’ skill levels and aspirations evolve over time. Ranks like Gold and Platinum demonstrate a significant presence, reflecting the broader player base’s performance. The overall distribution seems to balance the competitive nature of the game, with a higher concentration in mid-tier ranks, gradually tapering towards the highest ranks.

The presence of Immortal and Ascendant ranks increases slightly over the months, indicating player progress or migration within the upper echelons of the ranks. Variability within Diamond and Ascendant tiers suggests fluctuations in player activity and improvement.

Overall, the rank distributions suggest a vibrant and evolving player ecosystem in Valorant, reflecting the game’s dynamic competitive landscape and players’ dedication to improving their skills over time.

What is the Valorant target rank distribution in 2023?

1. February 2023

Iron 10.7%Platinum 14.8%
Iron 22.5%Platinum 24.0%
Iron 37.4%Platinum 33.7%
Bronze 16.6%Diamond 13.2%
Bronze 28.8%Diamond 22.3%
Bronze 38.1%Diamond 31.7%
Silver 110%Ascendant 11.2%
Silver 27.8%Ascendant 20.8%
Silver 37.2%Ascendant 30.5%
Gold 16.7%Immortal 10.3%
Gold 25.9%Immortal 20.1%
Gold 35.3%Immortal 30.1%
Source: Esportstales
  • The highest representation was in the Silver 1 rank, making up 10% of the player base, followed by Bronze 2 with 8.8% and Bronze 3 with 8.1%.
  • In contrast, the Radiant rank had the lowest presence, accounting for just 0.03%, followed by Immortal 2 and Immortal 3 with 0.1% each.
Source: Esportstales

2. March 2023

Iron 10.6%Platinum 15.7%
Iron 22.1%Platinum 24.8%
Iron 35%Platinum 34.2%
Bronze 15.7%Diamond 13.9%
Bronze 26.7%Diamond 23.1%
Bronze 36.9%Diamond 32.4%
Silver 18.2%Ascendant 11.9%
Silver 27.7%Ascendant 21.3%
Silver 37.6%Ascendant 30.9%
Gold 17.4%Immortal 10.8%
Gold 26.6%Immortal 20.2%
Gold 36%Immortal 30.1%
Source: Esportstales
  • Silver 1 continued to dominate with a distribution of 8.2%, followed by Silver 2 with 7.7% and Silver 3 with 7.6%.
  • Radiant remained at the bottom with 0.01% distribution, followed by Immortal 3 with 0.1% and Immortal 2 with 0.2%.
Source: Esportstales

3. April 2023

Iron 10.7%Platinum 15.9%
Iron 22.4%Platinum 24.8%
Iron 35.6%Platinum 34.2%
Bronze 15.8%Diamond 13.9%
Bronze 27%Diamond 22.9%
Bronze 36.8%Diamond 32.2%
Silver 18.2%Ascendant 11.8%
Silver 27.4%Ascendant 21.2%
Silver 37.4%Ascendant 30.8%
Gold 17.4%Immortal 10.6%
Gold 26.6%Immortal 20.2%
Gold 36.1%Immortal 30.2%
Source: Esportstales
  • Silver 1 gains again the top distribution, with 8.2%, followed by Silver 2, Silver 3, and Gold 1, with 7.4% each.
  • Radiant still indicates the lowest Valorant rank distribution with 0.03%, followed by Immortal 2 and Immortal 3 with 0.2% each.
Source: Esportstales

4. May 2023

Iron 10.3%Platinum 16.5%
Iron 21.3%Platinum 25.5%
Iron 33.5%Platinum 34.9%
Bronze 14.2%Diamond 14.7%
Bronze 25.5%Diamond 23.8%
Bronze 35.9%Diamond 33.1%
Silver 17.4%Ascendant 12.6%
Silver 27.2%Ascendant 21.8%
Silver 37.5%Ascendant 31.3%
Gold 17.6%Immortal 11.1%
Gold 27%Immortal 20.4%
Gold 36.6%Immortal 30.2%
Source: Esportstales
  • Gold 1 claimed its highest position, representing 7.6%, followed by Silver 3 with 7.5% and Silver 1 with 7.4%.
  • Radiant remained the least represented at 0.04%, followed by Immortal 3 with 0.2% and Immortal 2 with 0.4%.
Source: Esportstales

5. June 2023

Iron 10.3%Platinum 16.6%
Iron 21.3%Platinum 25.5%
Iron 33.7%Platinum 35%
Bronze 14.2%Diamond 14.7%
Bronze 25.8%Diamond 23.7%
Bronze 35.9%Diamond 33%
Silver 17.5%Ascendant 12.5%
Silver 27%Ascendant 21.7%
Silver 37.5%Ascendant 31.1%
Gold 17.7%Immortal 10.9%
Gold 27%Immortal 20.3%
Gold 36.7%Immortal 30.2%
Source: Esportstales
  • Gold 1 maintained its prominence, accounting for 7.7%, followed by Silver 1 and Silver 3 with 7.5% each.
  • Radiant stayed in the lowest place at 0.03%, followed by Immortal 3 with 0.2% and Immortal 2 with 0.3%.
Source: Esportstales

6. July 2023

Iron 10.8%Platinum 14.5%
Iron 22.9%Platinum 23.7%
Iron 38.2%Platinum 33.4%
Bronze 17.1%Diamond 12.9%
Bronze 29.2%Diamond 22.1%
Bronze 38.3%Diamond 31.5%
Silver 110.1%Ascendant 11.1%
Silver 27.8%Ascendant 20.7%
Silver 37.1%Ascendant 30.4%
Gold 16.5%Immortal 10.2%
Gold 25.6%Immortal 20.2%
Gold 35.1%Immortal 30.1%
Source: Esportstales
  • Silver 1 enjoyed the highest prevalence, making up 10.1%, followed by Bronze 2 with 9.2% and Bronze 3 with 8.3%.
  • Radiant had the lowest presence among the ranks, totaling 0.03%, followed by Immortal 3 with 0.1% and Immortal 1 and Immortal 2 with 0.2% each.
Source: Esportstales

7. August 2023

Iron 10.9%Platinum 14.9%
Iron 23.0%Platinum 24.0%
Iron 37.5%Platinum 33.5%
Bronze 16.9%Diamond 13.1%
Bronze 28.5%Diamond 22.3%
Bronze 37.8%Diamond 31.7%
Silver 19.3%Ascendant 11.3%
Silver 27.6%Ascendant 20.8%
Silver 37.3%Ascendant 30.5%
Gold 16.9%Immortal 10.4%
Gold 25.9%Immortal 20.2%
Gold 35.3%Immortal 30.1%
Source: Esportstales
  • Silver 1 took the lead again, comprising 9.3%, followed by Bronze 2 with 8.5% and Bronze 3 with 7.8%.
  • The Radiant rank retained its position as the least common rank at 0.03%, followed by Immortal 3 with 0.1% and Immortal 2 with 0.2%.
Source: Esportstales

What rank is the top 1% of Valorant?

The top 1% of Valorant is made up of a combination of players ranked Radiant, Immortal, and Ascendant 3. However, the skill difference is astonishing between the three ranked categories. Just think about their reaction time and coordination.

What is a good Valorant rank?

A good Valorant Rank is anything above Gold, as it is very hard to break through the ranks and get there, and it might take a lot of effort to get out of the Silver Elo Hell.

When will rank reset in Valorant?

In Valorant, the rank reset happens approximately once every 6 months, or, to be exact, every time the episode changes.

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Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, understanding the Valorant rank distribution is a key aspect of navigating the competitive world of this masterpiece.

As we’ve explored in this comprehensive guide, the distribution not only showcases the diverse skill levels of players but also serves as a testament to the ever-evolving nature of the game. From the highest peaks of Radiant to the foundation of Iron, each rank represents a unique journey of dedication, improvement, and mastery.

Armed with the insights from this guide, you’re now equipped to interpret the shifts and trends within the Valorant rank distribution for 2023.

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