Wayfinder Low FPS: Fix It and Boost Your Performance

To enjoy Wayfinder, you don't expect low FPS from this title, so read our guide to fix this issue. ✅


Wayfinder is a fast-paced RPG with MMO influences, featuring a captivating story and deeply realized characters with dynamic customization. However, if you’re playing Wayfinder, you may experience low FPS leading to lags, stutters, and skipping during gameplay. We’ve compiled this guide to help you resolve Wayfinder’s low FPS effectively and swiftly.

Why do I have a low FPS in Wayfinder?

There are multiple reasons that might cause you to have low fps in Wayfinder, such as:

  • Recommended system requirements are not met
  • Outdated graphics driver
  • Corrupted game files
  • Wrong Power Plan
  • Demanding in-game graphics settings
  • Unnecessary apps running in the background
  • A firewall or antivirus interferes with the game

How do I fix low FPS in Wayfinder?

To fix the low FPS issue in Wayfinder, before attempting our advanced tips, begin with these simpler steps:

  • Check if your PC meets the recommended system requirements. Note that the game is quite demanding for an average PC, so you might need to upgrade your hardware.
  • Restart the Steam client or your PC to eliminate any temporary glitches with long-running processes or apps.

Now, if you are still experiencing low FPS in Wayfinder, try these tips:

  1. Update GPU driver
  2. Boost system performance
  3. Turn off VSync
  4. Enable Game Mode
  5. Optimize in-game graphics settings

1. Update GPU driver

Time needed: 5 minutes

To increase FPS in Wayfinder, updating the GPU driver
is the most effective solution for any performance issues in the game.

  1. Open Device Manager

    Right-click on the Start Menu and choose Device Manager.
    Device Manager Win11

  2. Double-click on the Display adapters

    Right-click on the GPU and select Update driver.Update AMD GPU Driver

  3. Search for drivers

    Follow the on-screen guide to finish the update process.Search AMD GPU driver

  4. Reboot your PC

    Check if the low FPS issue is gone.

Alternatively, you can improve your gaming performance using PC HelpSoft to update your GPU driver. This tool can easily install a genuine driver for your system, making visible improvements while gaming. Additionally, it can automatically update all system drivers with just a single click.

⇒ Get PC HelpSoft

2. Boost system performance

If you want to enhance your gaming experience, switching your Power Options to High-Performance mode can significantly boost your Wayfinder FPS, especially during intense gameplay.

1. Right-click on the Start Menu and choose Power Options.

Power Options

2. Under the Power section, choose Best Performance.

Wayfinder Low FPS - Power Mode Best performance

3. To adjust GPU performance, navigate to System>Display>Graphics.

System Display

4. Select Wayfinder from the Windows app list and click Options.

5. Tick High performance and Save changes.

Wayfinder Low FPS - GPU High Performance

6. Reboot your PC.

3. Turn off VSync

Sometimes, enabling VSync can negatively impact Wayfinder performance by limiting FPS. To improve game performance, we recommend disabling VSync.


1. Right-click on the Desktop and choose AMD Software.

AMD Open Driver Settings

2. Navigate to the Graphics options and search for Wait for Vertical Refresh.

3. Select Always Off.

Wayfinder Low FPS - AMD VSync


1. Right-click on the Desktop and choose NVIDIA Control Panel.

NVIDIA control panel

2. Navigate to the Manage 3D settings.

3. Click on the Global Settings tab, and search for Vertical sync.

Wayfinder Low FPS - NVIDIA VSync

4. Select Off from the drop-down menu and save changes.

4. Enable Game Mode

For a better gaming experience in Wayfinder with a higher FPS, consider activating the Game Mode feature. Disabling the Xbox Game Bar is also recommended, as it may cause stuttering and crashing problems in some games.

1. Right-click on Windows Start and choose Settings.

2. Click on the Gaming menu.

Gaming Option

3. Select Xbox Game Bar and toggle off this option.

Wayfinder Low FPS - Turn Off Xbox Game Bar

4. Next, select Captures and toggle off Background Recording.

Wayfinder Low FPS - Disable Captures

5. Finally, select Game Mode and toggle ON this option.

Wayfinder Low FPS - Game Mode

5. Optimize in-game graphics settings

If you’re experiencing reduced performance and low FPS while playing Inkbound, the resolution and graphic details of the game may be demanding for your PC. To enhance your gaming experience, we recommend lowering your in-game graphics settings.

Wayfinder Settings

✔ Extra steps:

If your Wayfinder still has a low FPS, consider these options:


First, check the game’s system requirements and update the GPU driver to avoid low FPS while playing Wayfinder. Then, adjust your Power Plan to High Performance, enable Game Mode, turn off VSync, and lower in-game graphics settings to match hardware capabilities. These tips will help you enjoy a smoother gaming experience without performance issues. If you have additional questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to comment below.

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