League of Legends Packet Loss: How to Fix

If you're facing packet loss in League of Legends, we've got an easy guide to assist you in fixing the problem. đź–§


Riot Games’ League of Legends has been with us since 2009 and shows no signs of slowing down in popularity and player count. League of Legends has been an excellent MOBA competitive game since its inception, with a growing successful professional circuit. Packet loss is frequently encountered when playing online games like League of Legends. It happens when data packets fail to reach their intended destination while traveling through a network. How to fight against packet loss in League of Legends read in our guide.

What causes packet loss in League of Legends?

League of Legends packet loss is caused by server related problems, network congestion, weak internet connection, or faulty hardware. This can lead to frustrating gameplay issues like lag, high latency, and disconnections from the game server. Fixing packet loss can significantly improve your gaming experience, making it smoother and more enjoyable.

How to fix League packet loss?

To fix League of Legends packet loss make sure to check up your ping first, because if it is very high there is for sure a connection error which can be solved easily. Before progressing to more complex tasks, we suggest commencing with these basic steps:

If you yet still encountering packet loss, then follow these instructions:

  1. Update your network driver
  2. Disable network power saving
  3. Reset your network
  4. Use a VPN
  5. Use Riot’s Hextech Repair Tool

1. Update your network driver

Sometimes packet loss in League of Legends may indicate that you are using an outdated network driver. Update your network driver as follows:

1. Press the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.

2. Type; â€śdevmgmt.msc” and hit Enter to open Device Manager.

3. Double-click on the Network adapters to expand.

League of Legends Packet Loss - Update network driver

4. Right-click on your network card, and select Update driver.

5. Follow the on-screen guide for installing the latest network driver.

đź“Ś We recommend using Outbyte Driver Updater to simplify the time-consuming task of updating your computer’s system drivers. This tool automates the process, ensuring a faster and more reliable solution without the need for manual updates or searching for genuine drivers online.

League of Legends Packet Loss - Outbyte Driver Updater

⇒ Get Outbyte Driver Updater

2. Disable network power saving

For the best network performance, it’s important to disable any power-saving features that could slow down the network to save energy. Do the following:

1. Press Win+R to show the Run dialog box.

2. Type; “ncpa.cpl” and hit Enter.

3. Right-click on your network adapter and choose Properties.

League of Legends Packet Loss - NIC Properties

4. Click Configure button.

NIC Configure

5. Select Power Management and uncheck – Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.

League of Legends Packet Loss - NIC Save Power

6. Select the Advanced tab.

League of Legends Packet Loss - NIC Advanced

7. Disable any power-saving features, such as Energy-Efficient Ethernet, Green Ethernet, or Power saving mode.

8. Confirm changes on OK and restart your PC.

3. Reset your network

Time needed: 2 minutes

Packet loss in League of Legends may occur due to your network issues. We recommend that you reset your network settings.

  1. Press Win+Q keys

    Type; “network reset” in the Search bar. Click on Network reset in the search result.Search Network Reset

  2. Reset network

    Click on the Reset Now button.Network reset option

  3. Confirm action

    After confirming the action, your PC will be restarted with a network to its default settings.Network Reset

4. Use a VPN

For an optimal gaming experience, it is advisable to utilize a dependable VPN that can prevent high ping and packet loss. It should be noted that a VPN can solely enhance your ping if your ISP imposes limits on your connection. Establishing a secure and fast connection with a trustworthy VPN service such as ExpressVPN is effortless. It has swift and stable connectivity, low ping for gaming, and numerous fast servers in many countries for online play with friends.

5. Use Riot’s Hextech Repair Tool

Riot Games provides League of Legends players with a convenient repair program called the Hextech Repair Tool. This user-friendly tool requires no special skills and can be easily operated with just a few clicks. It offers various functions but is exclusive to LoL and cannot be utilized for other games or applications. It’s worth a try if you encounter any issues with your LoL gameplay.

League of Legends Packet Loss - Run Repair Tool

🍀Extra steps

Do you still have packet loss in League of Legends? Here are some additional options to consider:

  • For optimal network performance and efficient transfer of data packets, we advise using a wired connection instead of a wireless one.
  • Close all unnecessary apps running in the background.
  • Temporarily turn off the firewall and third-party antivirus software.

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  4. League of Legends Unable To Connect To Server: Quick Fix
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We hope our solutions have successfully resolved the packet loss issue in League of Legends. If you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to share them in the comments section below.

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