Lies of P Black Screen: How to Fix It in 3 Ways


Lies of P is a role-playing video game with unique and mesmerizing gameplay and storyline. However, some players have reported encountering problems when playing and accessing the game. One such problem is the Lies of P black screen issue.

According to fans, when they try accessing the title, they get stuck on a black screen, and no audio is available. To resolve the black screen problem in the Lies of P, follow our troubleshooting guide below.

What causes the Lies of P black screen issue?

The Lies of P black screen is mainly caused by outdated graphics drivers or other GPU-related problems. However, this issue may also occur due to different reasons, such as:

  • Compatibility issues: If your PC doesn’t meet the specific system requirements to run Lies of P, you may encounter a black screen issue.
  • Corrupted game files: Corrupted or missing game files may lead to a black screen issue when accessing the game.
  • Higher in-game settings: Higher in-game settings may cause black screen issues.
  • Overlay app issues: Overlay apps running in the background consume system resources and may cause the Lies of P black screen issue.

Disclaimer: The solutions below were reviewed by gaming experts on various systems.

How do I fix the Lies of P black screen issue?

To fix the Lies of P black screen issue make sure that you are using your dedicated GPU instead of the integrated one. Additionally, before diving into our troubleshooting guide, conduct the following general pre-checks to see if the issue gets solved:

If you still encounter the problem, perform the following simple fixes:

  1. Update graphic drivers
  2. Disable overlay apps
  3. Lower-in game settings

1. Update graphic drivers

Time needed: 2 minutes

Outdated graphic drivers may cause the Lies of P game to stutter, freeze, and the screen to go black. To update your graphic drivers, do this:

  1. Open Device Manager

    Open the Windows menu and type Device Manager. From the results shown, click on Device Manager to open. Device-Manager

  2. Open Display adapters

    Click the arrow before Display Adapters to expand its context menu.device manager double click display adapters

  3. Update driver

    Right-click on the dedicated driver you want to update and choose Update driver. Update driver

  4. Complete process

    If an update is available, Windows will download and install it.Search automatically for drivers

  5. Restart your PC

    Restart your PC to apply changes and relaunch the game to check if the black screen issue is solved.

Disclamer: We are affiliated with the following Driver update tool.
Why should you use this driver updater tool?
Outbyte Driver Updater is one of the best tools available for automatic driver updates because it doesn’t cause conflicts, keeps the update order of the drivers, and installs the latest stable versions.
We haven’t encountered any issues, such as conflicts or faulty driver installations, and we are quite pleased with the results. Also, it helped us avoid the system recovery tool, unlike others.

⇒Get Outbyte Driver Updater.

2. Disable overlay apps

Overlay apps are most of the time resource-hungry, and additionally, they could create file conflicts and interfere with other processes which might be the cause of the Black Screen Error in Lies of P. The best thing to do is to disable them, and below you will discover how to do it.

👉Disable overlay apps for discord

  1. Launch the Discord app.
  2. In the app’s bottom left pane, click the gear icon to open User settings.
  3. On the left sidebar, click on the Game overlay tab. A new window will pop up.
game overlay
  1. On the top right corner of the new window, turn off the Enable in-game overlay tab. It should turn grey once it’s off.
Enable in-game overlay
  1. Relaunch the game to see if the black screen issue is solved.

👉Disable overlay apps for Steam

Here is how to disable overlay apps for Steam:

  1. Launch the Steam app and click on the Steam icon.
  2. Click on Library and scroll down till you find the Lies of P game icon.
Steam Library
  1. Right-click on the game icon and select Properties.
going game properties steam deck
  1. On the top left pane, select the General tab.
general tab steam game properties
  1. Uncheck the Enable Steam overlay while in-game tab.
Enable Steam overlay while in-game
  1. Click OK to save changes.
  2. Navigate back to the Library and relaunch the game to see if the black screen issue is solved.

3. Lower-in game settings

High in-game settings may trigger the Lies of P black screen issue. You can try lowering the in-game settings from the game menu. Check the instructions from bellow and try our tweaking tips.

  1. Launch Lies of P.
  2. Select the Options tab.
  3. Set the Graphics Quality Presets to LowLies of P Low Graphics
  4. Disable your VSync and set the Max Frame Limit to 60 or 30 FPS
  5. Enable AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2 or Nvidia DLSS and set them on PerformanceLies of P NVIDIA DLSS AMD FSR
  6. Turn everything from the Graphics Details Settings to LowLies of P Graphics Detail Settings

In Addition:If you are using an outdated Nvidia GPU or AMD and Intel GPUs, pick AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution. But if you are using an Nvidia GPU series 30 or above, pick the DLSS; it only works with Nvidia, and it is somehow more performant than its counterpart.

Other fixes worth trying to fix the Lies of P black screen issue

Additional fixes for the Lies of P black screen on startup or during other times:

Disclaimer: All of the previous solutions were tested and verified by gaming experts familiar with games using Unreal Engine 4.

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We hope that you managed to fix the Life of P black screen problem by now. Keep in mind that the quickest way to lower the chances of encountering game issues and problems is to make sure that the graphic drivers are updated, the game files are not corrupted, the background apps are closed, and that you are playing on the latest version of the game. If you find any new solutions, feel free to drop a comment. We will test and verify them, and if they are good, we will add them to our guide.

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