7 Big Mistakes to Avoid in Starfield: Crucial Things to Know

Some major mistakes can prevent you or any beginner from enjoying the Starfield game! To get the best gameplay experience, learn about these mistakes from this post 👇


If you want to learn about the mistakes that you should avoid in Starfield during the gameplay, go through this article. You will find valuable points and surprising facts along with helpful tips from this post.

Certainly, Starfield is a highly anticipated space adventure RPG from Bethesda Game Studios. However, even though this title is very enjoyable, it can also be very challenging. Particularly, if players make some common mistakes in Starfield, they will probably have difficulties getting the full gameplay experience.

Learn how to solve Starfield not launching if you are interested.

Which are the most common mistakes to avoid in Starfield?

We have made a list highlighting the seven big mistakes that any gamer should avoid at any cost while playing Starfield to get the best experience:

  1. Being afraid
  2. Not using the correct difficulty level
  3. Not using the fast travel
  4. Avoiding side stories and quests
  5. Not claiming free Ship, House, and items
  6. Not learning the space combat technique properly
  7. Playing randomly without picking a side

1. Being afraid

Starfield Spacer Hyena Fight GamesErrors

If you are an absolute beginner in this type of game, you may find it confusing to see the overwhelming outer world atmosphere. As a result, chances are there that you may end up not exploring this title properly.

So, don’t let fear hold you back. Start exploring everything surrounding you in the game world. If not, this Starfield mistake will make you suffer in the long run.

2. Not using the correct difficulty level

The Starfield has 5 different difficulty levels: Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Very Heard. By default, it’s set to Normal. However, tweaking the difficulty level is necessary if you find the game too hard to play or if it seems very easy to you.

It will be another common mistake if you don’t adjust the difficulty level in the Starfield. Failing to do so can affect your enjoyment of this sci-fi adventure.

3. Not using the fast travel

Starfield features a fast travel option that allows you to instantly move to places you’ve already explored on the map. Unfortunately, many new gamers may not know about this option. By pressing the M on the keyboard, you can easily access the map. Then, pick the location you want to go fast.

If you don’t utilize this instant travel option, it will make the game boring and waste a lot of time.

4. Avoiding side stories and quests

Focusing solely on the main story is a mistake many Starfield players make. However, we are also not telling you to avoid the main story. You should explore the game by going through small side quests and stories as well.

In this way, you can get many exciting items and enjoy the game in a better way. It’s definitely possible to progress in Starfield through the main story only. But, by neglecting the side stories, you will miss many fantastic stuff and get less chance to enhance the skills and upgrade items.

5. Not claiming free Ship, House, and items

Starfield in game screenshot next to the ship

Most Starfield gamers may not know that they can easily claim a free ship and house. A trait is available during character creation, where the character can visit the parents. There, the gamer can get free items. It helps in the game in the long run.

Also, throughout the gameplay, you will get various items here and there. Just pick them up and start utilizing them. However, if you are not careful enough and avoid it by mistake, you won’t get what you want easily.

6. Not learning the space combat technique properly

Space combat is one of the most essential parts of Starfield. However, many gamers don’t pay proper attention to it. It may be challenging, but learning how to fight enemies effectively in space is essential. Particularly, knowing about the usage of proper weapons and proper spacecraft movements is important.

Not having good piloting and combat skills in Starfield is a significant mistake you should avoid by any means.

7. Playing randomly without picking a side

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Starfield is a massive game with an extensive storyline. You can randomly play it, but it will be better to pick a side and start exploring the game.

Of course, you can change the alliance in the middle of the game. But that may make things critical. So, as a beginner, not picking a side will be a consequential mistake on Starfield that you should avoid.

Besides these common ones, gamers also tend to make the following mistakes in Starfield: forgetting crew members, not saving the game, not assigning crew members to the proper position, not adjusting the gameplay and graphics settings, etc.

Related Starfield Articles:

  1. Starfield Difficulty Differences
  2. How to Dock in Starfield
  3. Starfield Cheat Engine
  4. Starfield Name Generator [FREE]

Final Thoughts:

Before preparing to start your journey in the outer world, knowing about these mistakes to avoid in Starfield can help you throughout the game. Once you play this title for a while and complete some missions, you will understand it better and have more enjoyment. Just be careful about the blunders we have mentioned above, make the decisions wisely, and enjoy the fantastic adventure.

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